Fluidized Bed Combustors
Fluidized Bed Combustors
Drytech has designed and developed a fluid media combustor (FMCTM) system for the combustion of pea and duff coal in thermal processing systems, these systems have been successfully used in industry as Hot Gas Generators since 1986. This system was developed in early 1980, and the first use of the system was the replacement of an underfeed stoker in an animal feed drying application. The heat output of this unit was 4 GJ/hr and the control of the system, although using PLC, was essentially manual.
Capacity ranges: Up to 100 GJ/hr
The FMCTM system has grown from its original use in the animal feed drying industry to the human foods, mineral and mining industries. Systems have been developed to produce up to 75 GJ/hr from a single unit without losing the quality of performance demonstrated in the original small systems. The units are highly automated and instrumented, and have demonstrated reliability in the mining industry. These machines are robust and provide flexibility on the startup fuels available. They have burnt a wide range of solid fuels regardless of the initial system supply arrangement.
The range of applications that this system has been used for and the degree of flexibility in tailoring the system between simple operation and highly automated operation make this fluidised bed combustor the ideal Hot Gas Generating System for a wide range of industries.
The world's leading mining houses, particularly those in the Southern African Platinum & Mineral Concentrates Industry, use the FMCTM system as the standard system for the generation of hot gas for drying and other processing of mineral concentrates.